Tune Into Abundance

Previously published on The Heat Index

We’ve all been there. We’re moving through life feeling happy and satisfied, and then this feeling of “not enoughness” sneaks in. We think if only we had MORE of something, we’d be ok. We’d be better, more lovable or impressive.

It’s an easy trap to fall into. 

When we get caught up in this way of thinking (which we ALL do, by the way), we lose sight of the wealth that already exists in our lives. We brush it to the side while we set our sights on the next bigger, better thing. Our brain attaches to an imaginary outcome in the future rather than allowing us to be present in this moment.

I recently found myself focusing on all the stuff I thought was missing from my life. It was a spiral of fear about the future, things I lacked and everything that could go wrong.. Our brains like to keep us safe. So, it makes sense that my brain was looking down all the dark hallways and planning for every worst-case scenario. And as much as I appreciate my brain trying to protect me, I don’t need her to be on overdrive. 

Attaching to these worst-case scenarios was not helpful, nor was it creating much happiness in my life. Quite the opposite, actually! I needed to give my brain another job to do.

Rather than listening to the tales of scarcity and fear, I kindly asked my brain to look down the hallways to find abundance.

I love the word abundance! It evokes a feeling of support, and enoughness, and safety. I’m sure it evokes specific images for you, too.

There is a quote I love from Wayne Dyer that says, “Abundance isn’t something we acquire, it’s something we tune into.”

I love this because it asks us to get quiet, reflective and curious about everything that already exists in our lives. The stuff that we often overlook because we’re externally focused on achieving more or buying cool stuff online. (Honestly, getting a package delivered does feels good. I get it.)

But the habit of tuning in and identifying your existing abundance will make your scarcity brain quiet down. It’ll reduce your propensity for acquiring more. It’ll make you appreciate the greatness and enoughness you already possess. 

Our yoga practice is an extraordinary opportunity to tune in, slow down, let go of the outside world and be fully present with yourself and your needs. There is so much abundance to be found on your mat – whether it’s in the strength and peace you cultivate for yourself, or the energy that’s created as you breathe alongside like-minded friends. 

Are you ready to tune into your abundance? Try this:

  • Notice the moments in your day when you feel most aligned with yourself. What’s going on? What feels especially abundant about that moment?

  • At the end of your day, reflect on what you’re most grateful for. What’s on that list?

  • Slow down! Whether it’s on your mat, on a walk, or in quiet moments alone. Allow yourself to be leisurely and focused entirely on yourself. See what comes up when you give yourself space to tune in.

  • Next time you’re on your mat, tap into each of your five senses. Allow more mindfulness into your practice. Release any pressure you’re putting on yourself to “do more” or “be more” on your mat. Embrace everything that already exists.


The Gift of Understanding


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