Winter Solstice!

Unpopular opinion, but I love these dark cold December days.

Yes, they can take an emotional toll and lead to some mild existential dread, but nonetheless, these darker days are earth’s way of telling us to slow down, make a cozy cocoon and chill.

Plus, these dark days give us the opportunity to reflect on the year. The good, the bad, the lessons, the celebrations…we get to choose what we want more of and what we want less of in the year ahead.

This all culminates into the seasonal tipping point of the winter solstice. It’s the longest night of the year, and afterward, things just continue to get brighter!

For me, the winter solstice is the time I ask myself, “What do I want to release from this year, and what do I want more of in the year ahead?”

This question forces me to look at the darker stuff from my year - the sadness, losses, failures, missteps, anxieties - and gives me the opportunity to practice a ton of self-compassion. We get SO MUCH perspective when we peek into our dark corners. (although it can be kinda gross and scary)

Come to my Winter Solstice Workshop!

I have long made a practice of celebrating the solstice and I’m so excited to share it with you! You can join me for my Winter Solstice Workshop at Power Life - Corinth!

The class includes guided meditation, journaling, a sun-salutation-focused yoga practice and winter surprises! I’m curating a unique experience to lead you out of the darkest day of the year and into brighter days ahead. You'll leave with a renewed connection to your strength and resilience, and next steps for creating an illuminated life.

Thursday, Dec. 19, 7- 8:30 p.m., $25

Register here (scroll down to “Class Packages” for the Winter Solstice Workshop link) OR if you have the PowerLife app, go to the “workshops” tab in the menu.


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